say yes

say yes to love, my friend
it steals in, frightens you with it's call
to be Loved
and to love
always in that order
It'll be inconvenient
but that's the good stuff
you'll have to learn how to steward your resources
because they're never ever yours.
It'll pull you places you didn't want to go
sit you down with souls you turned your nose up at
who you never noticed
who freak you out
a hand over hand tug of war
"give up comfort,
die to self,
learn how to pray, really pray"
they are you
and Love pushes you until you have to say
"i need help."
haha!  Who would have known.
You opened yourself to give love
and all the while you were learning how to receive it.

image courtesy of Google


Lizzi said…
Ooh, ooh, it's a comment!! =D

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