So I can be a little sentimental at times. I like that I wrote a blog post last year on my birthday, because it was fun to look back on today. So I am going to write another in order to have something to read next year. =D
Last year right around my birthday was the beginning of an exciting adventure. (I won't recap because you can read what I wrote on the link above.) It was harder than I expected in some ways - but doesn't everyone end up saying that. It has also been far better than I ever expected, and my Lord has been shaping and teaching me in ways I never knew existed.
It's still a little hard for me to put a finger on some of what I've been learning. When 2014 began, I wrote about freedom, and it's good for me to look back on that as well. Because what I see when I look at this past year is a God who brought me to things I thought I couldn't do and to places I thought I couldn't go and said "I am sufficient for all this." And even in the many moments where it was painfully obvious that I wasn't sufficient for this He still was. And is. Skills, not so important. Obedience, vital. Not because He misses out if I run away. Because I do.
Anyway. I'm thinking on paper right now. This is as much for me as for anyone else although if you actually read my blog and interact with my thoughts, thank you for sharing and for spending the time it takes to read what I write. It is something I do appreciate.
Some meaningful things from this year/summer/lately:
This song.
Also this one, as previously mentioned - I'll give you the Sam Robson version even though he doesn't get all the lyrics right, simply because his harmonies have stuck with me.
An epoch... My time here
Probably my favorite moment of this birthday, as instagrammed =)
A theme verse
And another, in classic pinterest style:
Some hallmark photos from this year (very incomplete)
I've found freedom
to talk about things I don't have figured out
to cry, at least more than I used to..
to laugh, to be enjoy silliness
to do things I don't think I can handle
to love so many new people
to leave, and to return even when both hurt so deep
to accept and even beg for help
to wake saying "I have no idea how I'm going to get through this day, I need You so!" and know He will be faithful even when I am not.