In the inky darkness
a star appeared
piercing, proclaiming
"born to die"
and when the hour came,
the sun could not bear to watch
darkness reigned
hell seemed to prevail
while the eyes of the angels were glued to the middle cross
"Is this really happening?"
but the earth knew something big was hidden
shrouded in horror
and it trembled in fear and anticipation
and let go some of it's dead
oh, fitting precursor
And while Satan partied
the priests scratched their heads
what to do about this veil
so strangely, so violently torn
can't ignore it
three days time
we wait
in four Lazarus had begun to smell
this is no legend-exaggerated coma
truly dead, and Mary is overwhelmed
broken-hearted despair
His gentle call
wild hope
greatest joy she's ever tasted
this is so much bigger than we dreamed
"I have power to lay it down
and to take it up again"
death works backward
This is God! The King of Kings!
Oh death, where is your victory? Grave, where is your sting?
I know that my Redeemer lives!
This is my assurance.
If I die with Him
I will be raised
to life
with Him.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Matthew 27 & 28, John 20:11-18, 1 Corinthians 15:55, Job 19:25, Rom 6:8-11
a star appeared
piercing, proclaiming
"born to die"
and when the hour came,
the sun could not bear to watch
darkness reigned
hell seemed to prevail
while the eyes of the angels were glued to the middle cross
"Is this really happening?"
but the earth knew something big was hidden
shrouded in horror
and it trembled in fear and anticipation
and let go some of it's dead
oh, fitting precursor
And while Satan partied
the priests scratched their heads
what to do about this veil
so strangely, so violently torn
can't ignore it
three days time
we wait
in four Lazarus had begun to smell
this is no legend-exaggerated coma
truly dead, and Mary is overwhelmed
broken-hearted despair
His gentle call
wild hope
greatest joy she's ever tasted
this is so much bigger than we dreamed
"I have power to lay it down
and to take it up again"
death works backward
This is God! The King of Kings!
Oh death, where is your victory? Grave, where is your sting?
I know that my Redeemer lives!
This is my assurance.
If I die with Him
I will be raised
to life
with Him.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Matthew 27 & 28, John 20:11-18, 1 Corinthians 15:55, Job 19:25, Rom 6:8-11