every good gift comes from above

A few more highlights from my gift list:

"Freedom", my word for 2014

Seeing my sweet cousin's face, even if it's over Skype

Wind-chime chorus on my street

Unexpectedly discovering a kindred spirit

Facebook messages all full of wedding plans

Breadsticks from the Olive Garden 

How you know, when you walk in the door at CCEF, you will be kindly treated no matter what you're there for

Thabiti Anyabwile and new crochet stitches at unearthly hours of the night

A classmate who cleans the snow off my car for me

"Speak Oh Lord" in church

The mechanic telling me I'm "quite a lady" just because I drive stick and change my own tires...  lol

The sweet lady in the grocery store who finds and returns the shopping list I dropped

Being trusted with a dear friend's struggle

Good coffee, given by a new friend
A super sweet "just because/beginning of semester" gift from a friend

Neighbours who push my car out of the snow

How a grumpy afternoon that was supposed to be class turns into a sweet sharing with a friend...  And the comfort that comes from burden-sharing

"Table-Talk" at Dr. Trueman's after church

That week two of "Helping Relationships" was not canceled because of the weather...  Unlike five other classes in two weeks!

Oma's voice: "How's my girl?"

That she tells me Opa is blowing me kisses

5C and 10C on the forecast for next week! 


Melany said…
Still enjoying your blog. :) I can totally hear Oma’s voice in my head when I read that... made me happy! Opa blowing kisses.... you must have felt so special! :) Also, it’s a very cute photo of you, and I am glad you’ve been blessed with so many sweet/caring moments in your new semester. Love you!
christine said…
My precious girl, thanks so much for sharing such touching moments in your time there. I wish I could see it all and hear it all with you! Love you so much! Mom

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