don't forget

in the craziness of malls at 10
last-minute shopping
and a dozen different recordings of the same song
played within an inch of it's life
when there are obese white-haired men in red suits everywhere
Don't forget
when the red and green appear everywhere
it's only because of the blood that there is any life
when you hear "peace on earth, goodwill to men"
don't forget that peace is only found in one place
and goodwill is not money
When you're driving through snow squalls for the last gift
Remember, you've been given redemption
Worth more than all the money North America spent this December
Which means we are the only ones who can sing about joy and know what we're talking about
And when you're surrounded by light and warmth
don't forget, the light of the world stepped down into your darkness
so you could understand what it all means.