when enough doesn't feel enough

that's it
insufficient for the tasks at hand
but they
be done even though
the clock ticks a time-warp
don't we wish 
we could do them well?  
but sometimes it's all we can do to strive for 
when it comes to hearts
when I think of the flash in your veiled eyes 
your hesitating words
I feel as though I must do well
because how could I dare to hurt you with carelessness?
simply insufficient
very insufficient
the full plate is a gift
from a Master Chef
He wants me to enjoy
He wants me to live
and so all I can do is plow on
if I act
in worship
out of love
the failure holes in my pot
will merely serve as 
and together
we will see.


mom said…
This is amazing. So true. It really says in a nutshell what so much of our struggle is in this life. Mine, for sure.

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