so good to me

This has been a gratitude-filled fall if Thanksgiving dinners are any indication - I've had three =)  One Canadian celebration with family, since I was home for the wedding on the same weekend, one a few weeks later with fellow Canadians in the area (and some additions), and one American thanksgiving with other homeless students.  All of them were lovely, although of course being home with family and having family from the states made the first one very very special.  In the spirit of the most recent one I thought I would share a few more "gifts" from my Ann-Voskamp-inspired gift list. I'm going back to the wedding but there are so many I can only share a few or you'll be here all day!

 3034.  The moment I saw Dad walking towards me on the street in TO, new beard and all (I love my Daddy, I can't even express how wonderful a moment like that is)

 3036. Heidi surrounded by wedding things

3037.  A peaceful and lovely lunch with Heidi, aunts and Oma at the Mandarin

3046.  The quiet moments early on Saturday doing Heidi's hair

3048.  Heidi's expression when Deanna started playing the panflute

3049.  Tim, when Heidi appeared =)

3051.  Being sandwich hugged by Scott and David in the cold after the newlyweds left

3053. Mom sleeping 3 hours Sunday afternoon

3054. Aunts who dance in the kitchen (I won't say your name, haha!)

 3056. That missing my bus gave me precious moments to catch up with very special family members, and a very special Thanksgiving day

3062.  The moment I discover my hard drive is not fried, just floating free in the compartment

3064.  A phone call from Dad because there's a sale on Starbucks coffee

3068.  Community, when your burden is heavy

3071.  Classmates who notice when you miss class

3078.  Letting things fall out of my hands into God's where it's really been all along

3080.  Playing a strategy game with two other students...  Since when do I play strategy games with strangers?

3084.  Canadian Thanksgiving; caring people and good conversation

3090.  Monday morning coffee counsel with lots of whipped cream =)

3100.  "Rock of Ages" Jimmy Needham style

3101.  A Global Missions Fellowship lunch where I discover that one of my classmates has been doing mission work on a reserve in North Dakota (and of course talk their ear off afterwards)

3106.  A morning thunderstorm

3120.  "Whiteman's Gospel" arriving in the mail from Mark, even gift-wrapped

3141.  Long overdue phone conversations with friends (and a newlywed sister) back home

3145.  A tour of the old CCEF building

3163.  A Thabiti Anyawile sermon

3170.  Classmates willing to share their wisdom

3172.  A counselee brave enough to come and share their story

3173.  Said counselee's hug

3190.  Finding out some of my classmates who will be in my classes next semester

3193.  Mail from super special people (Melany & Josh)!

3197.  A morning at the thrift store with a friend, and the amusing things we find their (Arnold Schwarzenegger workout record anyone?)

3199. American thanksgiving - an evening of much laughter

3202.  Spending approximately $40 on gas per month (last year this time was close to $200 a month!)

3204.  Reading bedtime stories at the Jessops

There are so many more...  But this post is plenty long and I have plenty of studying that needs to happen!  What are you thankful for?  Or, to put it in Ann-Voskampesque terms, where do you see God's love in your everyday moments?


Melany said…
So many beautiful gifts...... God is good. <3

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