my sister is strong.

Although I could write many things about my beautiful biological sister, 
this is about one of my little sisters in the family of Christ.  

My sister is strong.
The others, when they start to act tough
and they vow they'll never care about anything again
you know they just can't handle it anymore.
The others, they're so angry
because this isn't right,
this isn't the way it's supposed to be
that they give up hope of learning
what it IS supposed to be like.

Somehow, my sister's not like that.
Me, I haven't had a quarter of her hardship
written into my story
I, at her age,
wasn't anywhere near so resilient.

My sister still dreams.
She is strong enough to love the way
the winter branches kiss the sky
She is strong enough to want to care
for the more vulnerable
She is strong enough to love the people
who make life so difficult for her
She is so strong,
she still knows how to cry.

My sister is a very special person.
My sister is strong.

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