books on my shelf
first off, I just finished
be still my soul - elisabeth elliott
I enjoy elisabeth elliott, especially when I'm stressing out about life. I don't agree with her on everything but this book has been good for me. sometimes I read it when my brain is doing the too-much-spinning-to-sleep thing. she has a whole chapter on waiting, which I enjoyed very much. if you read her book about her & jim elliott's romance - "passion & purity" - you will see that waiting was a big part of her life. the wisdom she shares is very helpful.
john ploughman's talks - c. h. spurgeon
partway through this one. I LOVE spurgeon. this is an easier read compared to some of his others because he specifically avoided theological jargon for this book and spoke in layman's terms, which leads to some interesting figures of speech. for example this: Nobody is more like an honest man than a thorough rogue. When you see a man with a great deal of religion displayed in his shop window, you may depend upon it that he keeps a very small stock of it within. Do not choose your friend by his looks: handsome shoes often pinch the feet.
addictions - a banquet in the grave - edward t. welch
haven't read this one yet. the subtitle is "finding hope in the power of the gospel". every time I read ed welch or hear him speak my thinking stretches a little. so much practical wisdom, 'where the rubber hits the road' kind of thing. when I opened the book the first chapter talked about what it means for an alcoholic to live out the statement "Jesus is Lord" in church and at home craving a drink. I look forward to this.
running scared - edward t. welch
another ed welch. this one is on "fear, worry, and the God of rest". I haven't cracked the cover on this yet but it comes highly recommended.
mere christianity - c.s. lewis
almost done this. a classic must-read. lewis is so thorough, so intellectual. I wish he was around these days.
reverberation - jonathan leeman
I got this free at the CCEF conference I went to in October. Also haven't read yet, except for one excerpt that leeman read in a seminar. it was about an autistic friend and it was beautiful. the book itself is about the vital nature of the Word for our growth, and for any church. it aims to help us as churches to renew our confidence in the Word and to realize the secondary nature of many things that we consider important to church life & growth.
some others I own and recommend:
passion & purity - elisabeth elliott (mentioned above)
the soul winner - c. h. spurgeon
don't make me count to three - ginger plowman
don't waste your life - john piper
this momentary marriage - john piper (actually my dad owns this)
so what's on your list? have you read any of these?
p.s. I have no idea why I decided to reject the laws of capitalization for this post, please excuse me. sometimes I just have a rebellious moment or two.
Church Membership by Leeman was a good quick read and the points hit home.
I'm in the middle of Relationships - a Mess Worth Making that talks about conflict in relationships and the purpose of relationships.
This Momentary Marriage by Piper is probably my favorite book by him. It changes the perspective on life and all relationships not just marriage.
The book I'm looking forward to the most right now is Marriage Matters by Winston Smith. Best book cover ever...