Anyone got any spare brain cells for me?

Why is it so easy to live life numb and believe I am self-sufficient? Why do there seem to be so many obstacles to loving people well? Why does an element of uncertainty guarantee that I will be obsessed with said topic? Why can my phone not handle uploading 40 minutes of Kevin DeYoung video onto the internet? What happens if this broke student doesn't fundraise enough to cover all my costs for my summer internship? What if I don't find a job this fall? What if the truck that hit the car my brother was in this week had been going a little faster than he was? How do I grow in realizing my need for God's Word, and managing my time so that it is priority? How should a Christian worldview assess the diagnosis of PTSD and what am I going to focus on in my paper on said topic? How am I going to pack up all my things in time, and are we going to have an apartment to move into next fall? How am I going to retain all the other th...